Prem Nei Romantic Story by Gour Kishore Ghosh

Prem Nei Romantic Story by Gour Kishore Ghosh

Book name- Prem Nei
Book Format- pdf,
Book size- 39 MB
Book Pages- 344

Gour Kishore Ghosh was a fearless journalist, but he never embraced his personal life and this journalistic entity.
He loved to write truthful and accurate writings, in which case he had to go to jail. Again, he had to wear the wrath of various political parties at different times, but he never gave up.
The novel Prem Nei was consistently published in the country magazine. Great writing, a life story – reading a novel in real life would probably go out of hand.
In 1970, the Naxalite movement broke out in Bengal. He wrote that the politics of murder was not correct by the ideology and for this writing he had to read the wrath of the Naxals and face severe attacks. At that time the Naxals announced that they wanted his head. Again, this man again rose in protest against the indiscriminate police policy against the Naxals. He repeatedly writes that the way in which police are executing arbitrary Naxals is inhumane. In journalism, this was the perfect way to lend his pen, which he never stopped writing.
In the same way, he was also recognized for literature and received various awards. Received the Magsaysay Award in 1981. In the novel Sagina Mahato, published in 1969, the movement for the protection of the rights of workers in the tea garden. After that he wrote a Pramod young girl ha-ha, Prem Nei, Jal Pare Pata Nore water and so on.
Author Gaur Kishore Ghosh was born on 22 June 1923 in the village of Golpur in Jessore district of undivided Bangladesh. He died on December 15, 2000 at the age of 77, but humanitarian and journalist Gour Kishore Ghosh remains immortal in his achievement. Therefore, readers must read this novel written by him and what he wrote is not really understood if he wrote it.

Many of his writings, Bengali writers continue to carry on in a unique way in the society which we still see today. So this author’s romantic book is a unique essay that will enrich the readership.

The PDF file of the book Prem Nei is given below. You can read and collect from here.

Prem Nei

One thought on “Prem Nei Romantic Story by Gour Kishore Ghosh

  1. This book is not Written by Niharranjan Gupta.The actual writer is Gourkishore Ghosh (Roopdarshi).
    Please amend the name of autho.

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