Prachin Bangla Sahityer Pranjol Itihas by Debendra Kumar Ghosh

Prachin Bangla Sahityer Pranjol Itihas by Debendra Kumar Ghosh

Name of book – Prachin Bangla Sahityer Pranjol Itihas,
Author – Debendra Kumar Ghosh,
Book Genre – Bengali Literature,
Book Pages – 418,
Book format – PDF,
PDF Size – 12 MB,

Debendra Kumar Ghosh wrote the Bangla Sahityer Pranjol Itihas

Debendra Kumar Ghosh wrote the Bengali Literature Bangla Sahityer Pranjol Itihas.

The author, Devendra Kumar Ghosh, has tried to express clearly in this book, ‘Prachin Bangla Sahityaer Pranjal Itihas’, the impression that he has formed after studying many books on the history of ancient Bengali literature. He has tried to explain in a simple and concise way how the Bengali language has been enriched over time. Rather than giving a complete history, he has given a rough account. He has taken great care to familiarize the reader with ancient Bengali literature. For this reason, criticism rather than history occupies the majority of this book. He has not mentioned any complex problems and done detailed research on them to show any kind of scholarship. He has not even discussed the dates in detail. In all matters, he has followed the footsteps of those who have achieved fame by doing deep research on the Bengali language and literature. However, he has taken all possible care to present the history of Bengali literature in a simple and easy manner and to present the subject matter in a proper manner. This is his only achievement.

Who are the famous authors in Bengali literature?

The author has mainly adopted the decisions of literary luminaries such as Dr. Suniti Kumar Chattopadhyay, Dr. Sukumar Sen, Dr. Dinesh Chandra Sen, and Roy Bahadur Prasad regarding the historical sequence of Bengali literature, its origins, the determination of time, the emergence of poets, etc. But where he has seen disagreement between different opinions, he has taken what he considers reasonable. He has not made any in-depth discussion of the various opinions and arguments.

He has roughly divided the history of ancient Bengali literature into four eras – the Adi, Gaudiya, Chaitanya and Krishnachandra eras; and he has spoken about the four eras one by one in four different chapters. At the beginning of each era, he has given a brief introduction to the characteristics and characteristics of that era. After that, he has discussed in detail the lives of the famous poets of that era and the poems they composed. At many places, the beautiful parts of the poems under discussion have been cited in context, so that the reader’s attention may be attracted to these poems.

Who are the famous poets in ancient times in Bengali literature in India?

It is true that the countrymen have recently shown great interest and affection for Bengali literature, but they have not yet come into close contact with the ancient poetry of Bengal. Many people know that there were some famous poets in ancient times, such as Krittivas, Kashiram Das, Kavikankan, Bharatchandra, etc., but they know very little about their poetry and poetics. There were many other poets in Bengal, such as Maladhar Basu, Vijay Gupta, Gyanadas, Govinda Das, Bharatchandra Roy, Ramprasad Sen, Ghanram Chakraborty, Bameshwar Bhattacharya, etc.; but many people have no idea about their poetry and poetics. The Creation of Modern Bengali Literature Many people do not know that ancient Bengali literature is also vast, diverse and full of deep poetry.

How many beautiful poems in ancient times in Bengali literature?

How many beautiful poems like Chandimangal, Manasamangal, Dharmamangal etc.; hundreds of lyrical poems like Charyapad, Vaishnavapad, Shaktapad, etc.; how many heart-warming stories like Palli-Gitika, Nath-Gitika etc.; how many life stories of great men like Advaita, Chaitanya, Navorta etc.; innumerable poems of separation, reunion, love, devotion etc. are stored in the ancient treasury of Bangabhabati. He has always kept an eye on that in which everyone can have a close acquaintance with this rich literature of the past. For this reason, he has discussed in detail the great poets and their poetry; but he has not said anything special about the unknown poets and the inferior poetry. By mentioning all the great and small poets and giving details of all the books, both read and unread, the author has not burdened his discussion unnecessarily. But he did not omit any famous poet or famous poem.

The author has taken all possible care to ensure that this book can be of special help to the candidates appearing for the MA and BA examinations of the Calcutta University in Bengali literature. The author sincerely hopes that this history lesson will instill a love for ancient Bengali literature in the hearts of Bengali students and that they will be eager to see the ‘matrikoshe rataner raji’ in the Bengalis.

To know more about the Prachin Bangla Sahityer Pranjol Itihas, we must read this book. Therefore, the PDF file of the book is given on this web page for the readers. Readers can collect the book from the PDF file and read it online.

Prachin Bangla Sahityaher Pranjol Itihas PDF file

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