Ayurveda Sangraha Vol-1 by Debendranath Sengupta Bengali PDF
Book – Ayurveda Sangraha Vol-1,
Author – Kabiraj Debendranath Sengupta and Upendranath Sengupta,
Language – Bengali,
Genre – Science Book (Medical Book)
Book Pages – 414,
Book Size – 18 MB,
Debendranath Sengupta wrote the Ayurveda Sangraha Vol-1 Medical book.
Knowledge of diagnosis and treatment of disease is the main objective of Ayurveda education and it requires peace of mind. It is for this purpose and to fulfill this need, whether in our Bengal, Hindustan, Orissa, Deccan, all over India, students of Ayurveda first study Rogvinishcha (Madavanidan) and the collection-medical books of Chakradatta, Shangadhar, Rasendrasar and Rasendrachintamani etc. For this reason, the authors, according to general taste and necessity, draw from Charaka, Susruta, Bagbhata, Harita, Ksharpani, Atreya-samhita, Bhava Prakash, Chakradatta, Shangadhara, Parabhasha, Sarkaumudi, Prajayamrita, Prajayachintamani, Bhaishajya Ratnavali, Rasendrasar-sangraha, Rasendracintamani, Rasaratvakara and various surgical systems. This book called Ayurveda-Sangrah has been printed by collecting all the knowledge related to medicine. First of all, it contains all the medicinal terms and purification of metals, oxidation, death and lethal put types, replicas of all instruments, the well-known 37 Ganas and Sanshamanavarga, charaka-krita ‘Dashemani’ i.e. bionic, bringhaniya, svedopag, vamnopag, ‘virechanopag’, ‘asthapanopag’,’ Anubasanopaga’ and ‘Shirovirechanopaga’ etc. in 50 kashas.
In addition to this, the root cause of all diseases-Vatadi Dosha is the form, provocation, mitigation and action; The nature, place, function and origin of Rasaraktadi saptadhatu and Ojapadartha and the six types of rasas based on substances, twenty types of guna, dual semen, tridha metabolism and their effects have been written in great detail. Those who carefully study this Ayurveda-sangraha book will not have to take the help of any other book for the treatment of any disease. By reading this book they will be able to treat all diseases and prepare all kinds of medicine easily and effortlessly.
It is needless to say that scholar and Vishakreshtha Shri Khagendranath Sengupta Kabiraj has given full help in all aspects of this book including topic-selection, compilation and translation.
It is with great gratitude that the authors acknowledge that the eminent Ayurveda Professor, Ayurveda-expert Prajyapad Shriyukta Prasannakumar Bandyopadhyay Vidyaratna has taken great care and effort in the compilation and translation of this book. For that they will be eternally grateful to him. Friendly Bhaktibhajan Pandit Sri Chandrasekhar Kabiratna Kavyachanchu Mahasaya provided tremendous support, they will remember it with lifelong gratitude.
Students and eminent doctors Shri Baradacharan Gupta Kaviraj, Shri Sasivrishan Ghosh Kabiratna, Shri Rakhalchandra Dasgupta Baidyaratva, Shri Kunjabihari Dhanvastari and Shri Srinath Devagupta Baidyaratna, they and their students like Shri Nrityagopal Sengupta, Shri Ramsharan Sengupta and Shri Satishchandra Sevangupta etc. have contributed to the compilation and revision of this book. helped As a result, it has become possible to publish such valuable medical books in Bengali language.
Ayurvedic scholars, students and common people have been greatly benefited by their compilation of Ayurveda’s eight limb identities and practical treatment methods in a simple Bengali translation with Sanskrit glosses. Since this precious book was unavailable for a long time, they took the initiative to republish this book along with reprinting other original books. So the pdf file of the book ‘Ayurveda Collection – Volume 1’ is provided on this webpage.