Diner Pratham Alo by Shaktipada Rajguru ebook PDF,
Book – Diner Pratham Alo,
Author – Shaktipada Rajguru,
Date of Publication – 1965,
Book Pages – 222,
Book size – 9 MB,
Shaktipada Rajguru has written theDiner Pratham Alo Story Book .
Diner Pratham Alo is a heartiest Bengali story book. Shaktipada Rajguru is a famous Bengali Author. He was born on 1st February, 1922 in Gopebandi in Bankura District under the state of West Bengal. He was completed the primary education from Pachthopi T.N. Institutional School which was situated in Murshidabad.
He graduated from Kolkata University. He got so many award for his writing Amanush.
The some other notable works of author Shaktiputra Rajguru.
His first Novel Dinguli Moor was written on 1945. His most famous books are Meghe Dhaka Tara, Moni Begum drama, Antare Antare, Jeebon Kahini drama, Anusandhan, Amanush, Sarbakaler Sera Panchash Galpa Kajal Gayer Kahini and Baghini. The Meghe Dhaka Tara first published on July, 1962. He died on 12 June, 2014.
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