Droupadir Shari by Buddhadeb Basu ebook pdf.
Author- Buddhadeb Basu,
Name of Book- Droupadir Shari,
Category- Bengali Novel,
Book Format- pdf,
Book size-6 MB,
Book Pages-152,
Droupadir Shari by Buddhadeb Basu ebook pdf.
Droupadir Shari is a most popular novel. Droupadir Shari has been written by Buddhadeb Basu. He is the most popular author among India, Bangladesh and all Bengali community. He was born November 30, 1908 in Cumilla, Bangladesh and spend his early age in Bangladesh and died on March 18, 1974 in Luchnow, India. He studied in University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
His popular books are He Bijoayi Bir, Ayanar Madhye Eka, Shara, Akormonnya, Mon Deya Neya, Jobonika Poton, Rhododrendron Guchho, Sanonda, Amar Bondhu, Jedin Futlo Komal, Dhusor Godhuli, Lalmegh, Bashor Ghar, Kalo Haoa, Tithi Dore, Nirjon Swakhor, Moner Moto Meye, Moulinath, Sonpangshu, Shesh Pandulipi, Ratvore Brishti, Sanga Nisangata-Rabindranath, Golap Keno Kalo etc.
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