The Mind of Mahatma Gandhi compiled & edited by R. k. Prabhu and U.R. Rao PDF.
Book – The Mind of Mahatma Gandhi,
Compiled & Edited by – R. K. Prabhu & U. R. Rao,
Language – English,
Book Pages – 627,
Book Format – PDF,
PDF Size – 3 MB,
R. k. Prabhu and U.R. Rao has Compiled & edited the Biographical story Book Mind of Mahatma Gandhi.
The Biographical story Book, ‘The Mind of Mahatma Gandhi’ has edited by Shri R. k. Prabhu and Shri U.R. Rao is being published by the Navajivan Trust. The first two editions of the book were very popular and its translations had appeared in several languages. In the new edition, Gandhiji’s thoughts in the last few years of his life have been incorporated. Thus the book has been brought up-to-date.
“Who, indeed, can claim to know the mind of the Great?” is a famous saying of the Poet Bhavabhuti. Gandhiji was a great man; nevertheless, he had laid bare his mind in its fullness before the world. For his part, he had permitted no secrecy. Even so, I must confess, the last chapter of his life, which I have called the “Swarga-rohan Parva”, or the chapter of the “Ascent to Heaven”, remains a mystery to me. Indeed, in my eyes, it stands equal to the last phase of Lord Krishna’s leela. To unravel its mystery, it may become necessary for Gandhiji himself to be born again. Till then, I hope, this book will be an essential help for understanding Gandhiji’s mind to those who are striving to establish Sarvodaya and are searching for Truth.
To judge a great man or to decide his place in history, during his life-time, is not easy. Gandhiji had once observed : “Solon found it difficult to pronounce on a man’s happiness during his life; how much more difficult it must be to adjudge on a man’s greatness?”
On another occasion, speaking of himself, he had said: “It will be time enough to pronounce a verdict upon my work after my eyes are closed, and this tabernacle is consigned to the flames.” Nineteen years have now passed since he died—a martyr.
His death was mourned by the entire world, surely as no other death in human history. Grief at his passing away was enhanced by the manner of it. As one observer put it, his assassination would be remembered for centuries to come. The Hearst Press of the United States believed that its emotional impact upon the world at the time had no parallel in human annals since the similar martyrdom of Lincoln.
It could aptly be said also of Gandhiji that “he now belongs to the Ages”. One recalls Jawaharlal Nehru’s memorable words on that somber night: “Alight has gone out of our lives”, a sentiment which the New York Times, on January 31, 1948, underscored, adding that it remained for the inexorable hand of history to write down the rest. What, then, will history’s verdict be on Gandhiji?
If contemporary opinion is to be regarded, Gandhiji would be placed side by side with the greatest men of human history.
While E. M. Forster believed that he was likely to be considered the greatest man of our century, Arnold Toynbee is convinced that he certainly is. Dr. J. H. Holmes offered a more concrete estimate when he described Gandhiji as “the greatest Indian since Gautama the Buddha and the greatest man since Jesus Christ”. In the hearts of his people, however, he is likely to be enshrined as the Mahatma, or, more endearingly, as Bapu — the ‘Father of the Nation’ who led it to freedom— through a bloodless revolution.
Only now and again does there arise above the common level some rare spirit, who, having thought about God more deeply, reflects more clearly the divine purpose and puts into practice more courageously the divine guidance.
The light of such, shines like a strong beacon on a dark and disordered world. Gandhi belongs to the race of the prophets who have the courage of the heart, the courtesy of the spirit and the laughter of the unafraid. Through his life and teaching, he bears testimony to the values for which this country has stood for ages, faith in spirit, respect for its mysteries, the beauty of holiness, the acceptance of life’s obligations, the validity of character, values which are neither national nor international, but universal.
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