Bharatiya Darshan Kosh by Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya

Bharatiya Darshan Kosh by Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya.

Book Name- Bharatiya Darshan Kosh,
Book Format- PDF,
Book Size – 22 MB,
Book pages- 208,

Professor and Author Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya was a Bengali writer. He wrote a number of articles on the cultural history of Bengal in the IHQ and similar journals in the 1940s, including new light on Vaidyaka Literature.

Bharatiya Darshan Kosh – 1st Edition, was published in Sanskrit College Research Library. Here are the details of the main terminology of this noun departure. Attempts have been made to explain the meaning of the words in a concise range, mainly aimed at those students, professors and researchers of Indian philosophy – for whom it is not easy to discuss the proven Akar texts.
We do not know that this national book has been published in Bengali so far. However, Professor Carl H. Potter was instrumental in compiling a comprehensive terminology of Indian philosophy in English.
The volume, which has already been published as a preface to the said cell, gives a hierarchical account of the vast literature of the various philosophical departures of ancient India and the authentic research books and articles written on it. From there we can get an idea of ​​Professor Potter’s plan. A long time ago, the article Nyay kosh written by Pandit Bamnacharya Jhalakikar was published, there was also an explanation of the main technical terms of Indian philosophy, which is in Sanskrit. That too is now rare.

Therefore, it is planned to publish the Indian Philosophy Dictionary in order to facilitate the practice of Indian philosophy in Bengali language by considering everything and considering all aspects. There is no opportunity to compile the terminology of Yoga philosophy in this volume, so the second volume will be published. All of them undertook this arduous task with extraordinary devotion, perseverance and sincere devotion. Otherwise, it would not have been possible to publish this piece in such a short time.
From the very beginning, honorable Gopinath Bhattacharya, an esteemed professor of Eastern and Western philosophy whose equivalence of wisdom and authority is recognized in the Pandit society, showed his plan and curiosity for the publication of Bharatiya Darshan kosh. In this book, his advice and cooperation is found on the word composition and its descriptive style.

So we think this book is suitable for gaining a better understanding of Bharatiya Darshan Kosh. By reading this book, it is possible to know about word composition and its descriptive style and different aspects and topics of Bharatiya Darshan Kosh.
So we have given the PDF file of the book Bharatiya Darshan Kosh on this web-page.

You can read and collect the book from our website. Below is the link to the collection of the book.


Bharatiya Darshan Kosh PDF

3 thoughts on “Bharatiya Darshan Kosh by Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya

  1. Dear Sir

    Could you please help us to buy/download “Bharatiya Darshan Kosh” Vol2 by Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya and Shri Mohan Bhattacharya?

    Thank you

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