Jawaharlal Nehru An Autobiography by Jawaharlal Nehru PDF.
Book – Jawaharlal Nehru An Autobiography,
Author – Jawaharlal Nehru,
Category – Biographical Book,
Language – Bengali, English, Hindi,
Book Format – PDF,
Pages – 652,
Size – 27 MB,
Jawaharlal Nehru An Autobiography by Jawaharlal Nehru PDF.
This book An Autobiography of Jawaharlal Nehru was written entirely in prison, except for the post-script and certain minor changes, from June 1934 to February 1935. The primary object in writing these pages was to occupy myself with a definite task, so necessary in the long solitudes of goal life, as well as to review past events in India, with which I had been connected, to enable myself to think clearly about them. He began die task in a mood of self-questioning and, to a large extent, this persisted throughout. He was not writing deliberately for an audience, but if his thought of an audience, it was one of his own countrymen and countrywomen. For foreign readers he would have probably written differently, or with a different emphasis, stressing certain aspects which have been slurred over in the narrative and passing over lightly certain other aspects which he has treated at some length. Many of these latter aspects may not interest the non-Indian reader, and he may consider them unimportant or too obvious for discussion or debate; but he felt that in the India of today they had a certain importance. A number of references to our internal politics and personalities may also be of little interest to the outsider.
Some notable works of Jawaharlal Nehru
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The reader will, his hope, remember that the book was written during a particularly distressful period of his existence. It bears obvious traces of this. If die writing had been done under more normal conditions, it would have been different and perhaps occasionally more restrained. Yet he has decided to leave it as it is, for it may have some interest for others in so far as it represents what he felt at the time of writing.
His attempt was to trace, as far as he could, his own mental development, and not to write a survey of recent Indian history. The fact that this account resembles superficially such a survey is apt to mislead the reader and lead him to attach a wider importance to it than it deserves. He must warn them, therefore, that this account is wholly one-sided and, inevitably. This book will be very much appreciated by the readers. So the book is given in PDF file on this page.
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