These books are titled Sada Ami Kalo Ami as Part One and two written by author Runu Guha Neogi get here as pdf file link below.
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Sada Ami Kalo Ami Awareness Books by Runu Guha Neogi.
Writer Runu Guha Neogi was written these two books entitled Sada Ami Kalo Ami, Part one and Two- a tribute to those who have fought shoulder to shoulder for the country and society, fighting against injustice.
These books mentions some real-life characters, and contemporary real events. When the guardians of this society and those who are hungry appear to be just a shadow of the dark around the society, the society then feels utterly helpless as the flame of the lamp shines on its way down. What else can they think of!
So in these books, the author highlights some of the phenomena of becoming a protector of the guards, which is surreal and constantly happening before our eyes.
Extraordinary guards have been sharply criticizing the events of those monstrous orgy, and have been constantly trying to think and review how society and people can be saved from this callous terrible character.
The naming of this book ‘White I-Black I’ seems to have been useful in highlighting that multi-faceted character. Appeal to the readers, you are right to comment.
The author’s attempt to tell the truth when it comes to his life story may not get the support of readers of all levels, because truth cannot please everyone at once, and truth is mostly unpleasant. Therefore, the author was well aware of the criticism and support of some sections of the readers in this booklet. Even though he understood it, he did not go back to compiling this book.
- You can read some other Books here.
The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda
Amar Bharat Amor Bharat
Swami Vivekananda BharatChetana O Pashchatya
The political events mentioned in this book are only a partial account of a particular period. The first part of Sada Ami Kalo Ami writes about some aspects of the crime world that ordinary people usually do not know. The reason for writing them is for their attention to detail, so that they are careful about those criminals.
The author wrote this book for that purpose. In one word it can be said that, this book – two completely conscious books.
Readers can read Part-1 and Part-2 or collects Part-1 and Part-2 these books from this page below.
Sada Ami Kalo Ami