Netaji Dead or Alive Documentary Book by Samar Guha PDF.
Book – Netaji Dead or Alive (Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose),
Author – Samar Guha,
Genre – Documentary Book,
Format – PDF, Pages – 308,
PDF size – 12 MB,
Language – English,
Samar Guha wrote the Documentary Book Netaji dead or alive.
Is Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose dead or alive?
Is Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose dead or alive? This poignant question has agitated the minds of the Indian people for the last thirty years. Neitlier the Report of the Shah Nawaz Khan Committee nor the Khosla Commission could provide any satisfactory answer to the issue which involves the fate of the greatest hero of Indian freedom and, in consequence, the Netaji mystery continues to remain unresolved even today.
The Tokyo broadcast of August 23, 1945, announcing the alleged death of Netaji on August 18, 1945, appeared as intriguingly cryptic and evasive. This radio news and some other press reports, as published at Tokyo and Taihoku (Taipei) discernibly contradictions one another on vital matters of information regarding the circumstances relating to alleged death of Netaji. The discrepancies as clearly found in these reports very reasonably roused suspicion in the minds of the Indian people and of the Anglo-American authorities as well-Lord Wavell, the then Viceroy of India, noted in his diary that the report appeared to him as purported to camouflage Bose’s going ‘underground’.
Who said ‘I believe Netaji is alive and is hiding somewhere’?
Gandhiji also publicly said that, ‘I believe Netaji is alive and is hiding somewhere’. He further stressed most emphatically that, ‘If someone shows me the ashes, even then I will not believe that Subhas is not alive’. The Congress President, Maulana Azad, asked the AICC meeting held in Bombay in September, 1945 not to pass any obituary resolution on the alleged death of Netaji, as according to him the news of Netaji’s death was confusing.
It was, therefore, widely believed by the Indian people that Netaji escaped out of the approaching dragnet of the Anglo-American army which was cast to ‘catch’ him alive. A lurking hope continued and continues until now in the minds of the Indian people that Netaji is alive and he will reappears soon. It was not mere wishful thinking of the Indian people that Netaji’s death report was treated as nothing but fictitious, but it was strengthened by the fact, as was admitted by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru himself in 1962 that, “There was no precise and direct proof of detail of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose”.
Regrettably, however, the Government of India made no effort, whatsoever, till eleven years after the report of alleged death of Netaji to find out the truth as to what actually happened to him. Under persistent pressure from the public, the Government of India instituted two impurities, one in 1956 with Mr. Shah Nawaz Khan as the head of an Inquiry Committee and another after 27 years with Mr. G.D. Khosla as the Chairman of a One-man Commission, but the findings of both these investigating bodies appeared to the Indian people as nothing but some kind of a make-believe or command performance reports.
Recant London publication of the “Top Secret” documents of the British Government lias made startling revelation after 30 years that the British Government did not believe the report of his death in the alleged air crash. It also indicates that they suspected his escape to Russia which was factually corroborated later by a report of the British Intelligence that was submitted to the Wavell Government in 1946.
The reaction of the earlier Government of ours to this extremely startling disclosure should have been very prompt and sharp, and they should have of their own started a fresh inquiry about the fate of Netaji, but unfortunately the conscience of the former Government remained unrevoked and they took no notice of it at all. It is yet to be seen how the Janata Government reacts to this sensitive issue which is agitating the minds of the Indian people.
In later forties and early fifties, Pandit Nehru brusquely turned down all public demands for a proper inquiry into the mystery behind the disappearance of Netaji, hut when a nonofficial Committee was proposed to he formed under the Chairmanship of Dr. Eadha Binod Pal, the eminent Indian Jurist of the Tokyo War-crimes Trial, Pandit Nehru suddenly constituted a Committee to ‘inquire into the circumstances leading to the alleged death of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose’. Surprisingly, when the Committee was having investigation into the matter, Panditji said in a statement in Parliament that ‘the question of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose’s death was a settled fact beyond doubt’.
Tile then Indian Prime Minister thus not only prejudiced the minds of the members of the Inquiry Committee, but he also prejudged its findings and in consequence the Shah Nawaz Khan Committee did not dare to contradict Pandit Nehru but arrived at a rather queer finding that ‘In all probability Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose died in the alleged air crash’, as if the question of arriving at a finality about the fate of Netaji can be left to any uncertain speculation of ‘probability’. One Member of the Committee, the late Suresh Chandra Bose, however, submitted a report contradicting the findings of the Shah Nawaz Khan Committee.
In 1967, the author of the present book raised the issue of making a fresh inquiry into the Netaji-mystery in his maiden speech in Lok Sabha. Thereafter, a Memorandum was drawn up for the purpose and it was signed by more than 350 Members of Parliament and submitted to the President and the Prime Minister of India. At no time before, a Memorandum of the kind was known to have been signed by a majority of the Members of both Houses of the Parliament. In 1969, when, after the Congress split, Mrs. Gandhi was running a minority Government, a new political compulsion was created which forced her hands to set up a One-man Commission under the Chairmanship of Mr G.D. Khosla, a retired Chief Justice of the Punjab High Court. Its objective was to “inquire into the circumstances leading to the disappearance of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose on August 17, 1945”.
The author has drawn the material for the book almost exclusively from the evidence and documents that were placed before the Shah Nawaz Khan Committee and the Khosla Commission. He has nowhere introduced anything which was not found in the voluminous reports of the proceedings and the exhibits of the Shah Nawaz Khan Committee and the Khosla ‘commission and if any additional matter is found to have been incorporated in the book, the author has unfailingly mentioned its source. The book is, therefore, based, from the beginning to the end, on facts and documents without entertaining any kind of imagination in writing it.
In this book, the author has tried to prove on the basis of irrefutable facts and arguments that the report of his death in the alleged air crash was wholly fictitious and its story was circulated by Japan in order to provide a camouflage for giving Netaji an opportunity to seek an asylum in the Russian territory. The book has been devoted mostly to prove that Netaji did not die in the alleged air crash. What happened to him after his escape to Russian territory has not been discussed in this book.
The object of writing this book is to rouse the conscience of the Indian people and of the government of India and of the Members of the Janata Party and the Opposition Parties in Parliament tor making a supreme effort to unearth the mystery shrouding the fate of the Revolutionary Pilgrim and the Epic Hero of the Indian Revolution. It is a sacred national duty which we lamentably failed to diseha rgc so long towards one of the Men of Destiny of India, but for whose revolutionary exploits the Imperialist Power of Britain would not have so soon and so precipitously withdrawn from India after its spectacular triumph over the Axis Powers in the last World War.