Ganga Novel by Samaresh Basu PDF

Ganga Novel by Samaresh Basu PDF.

Book Name – Ganga
Name of Author – Samaresh Basu
Genre – Bengali Novel
Book Format – PDF,
PDF Size – 14 MB,
Book Pages – 326

Ganga novel by Samaresh Basu

Samaresh Basu wrote the Bengali Novel Ganga.

Ganga, one of the most popular works among recent Bengali novels may be the reason for its popularity, the river seen from so close – the perfect embodiment of the harsh reality of life. And because of Samaresh Bose, it may have been possible to write such a perfect composition. Because his association with the hard reality of life is long. We have seen traces of it long ago in Samaresh Basu’s story ‘Adab’.

How close he was to the common life can be illustrated by the writings of Shankarlal Bhattacharya. He said, ‘What more is there to say about the life of Samaresh Bose? At the age of twenty-two, he created a stir in Bengali reading society and Bengali literature by writing the story ‘Adab’. Who knows how such a wonderful story about Hindu-Muslim riots came out from the hands of a slum dweller, a semi-laborer! What a dispassionate, but sympathetic attitude towards both communities.’ Samaresh Bose wrote closely what he wrote. Not by shadow, but by body.

Why famous Samaresh Basu in Bengali literature?

There is also another background behind the composition of Ganga background. During his stay in Atapur, the author used to go fishing with his friends from Malopara. Sometimes fisherman fished with his friends in the Ganga during the entire monsoon season. He saw their laughter, their tears, their anger, their pride, their tension, the brutal reality of borrowing, interest and repayment. He saw nets, water and the household of fishermen’s life. And we got the novel Ganga.

Samaresh Basu in the introduction of the novel ‘Ganga’ acknowledged the debt of those friends of Jelepara. Some of the names he mentions are — ‘Kartik Das of Malopara of Atapur, Paresh Das and Nimai Adhikari of Halishahar and his father and elder brother. I have spent many days and nights with them on the banks of the Ganges. Writing ‘Ganga’ would not have been possible without their help. This simple acknowledgment and debt of the author makes us respect the author.

Where was born the author Samaresh Basu?

Samaresh Bose’s Ganges—much of the field preparation has been uncovered by Nimai Chand Adhikari, librarian of Ramprasad Library, Halishahar. He has discussed this at length in an article in the book ‘Samaresh Basu: Reminiscences’. The title of the essay was — ‘Samaresh Dar Ganga and Amara’. Here he discusses how the author collected the gems of Ganga novel construction. How they have been plagued with thousands of questions for four to five years.

Samaresh Basu also revealed a truth in his book, which is evident in a quote from Nimai Chand — ‘The fishers have a language of their own, I did not notice it. To be honest, I didn’t understand until him asked about the similarity between language and profession. Some of those words have been reflected in the book ‘Ganga.’ This is where the merit of Ganga’s novel lies.

Ganga Novel PDF

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