Itihas O Aitihasik by Amalesh Tripathi PDF.
Book – Itihas O Aitihasik,
Author – Amalesh Tripathi,
Book Format – PDF,
PDF Size – 7 MB,
Amalesh Tripathi wrote the Historical story Itihas O Aitihasik.
The book Itihas O Aitihasik (History and Historians) is written by Professor Amalesh Tripathi. The book History and Historians can be called a unique historical work.
This book is composed of various subjects of history and informants. In this book, the author has given various descriptions on the subject by mentioning the doctrines and conditions of different historians.
His most notable works and some others valuable related books below
- Swadhinata Sangrame Bharater Jatiyo Congress
- History of Bengali Literature
- Bangla Sahityer Itihas (Bengali Literature)
- Gandhi Rachanasambhar Vol 5
- Bharatiya Darshan (Indian Philosophy)
The author further mentions in this “History and Historical” text that in fact people are free and captive at the same time. Prisoner, because, he cannot exercise willpower in an absolute way. Free, because he has to move forward, whether on the way or in danger. He is unraveling the shackles of the past with one hand, embracing the other moment with another shackle. History is making him just as history is making him. Strategic change Population growth Revolution in commodity prices Destroying the balance of nature will repeatedly complicate life. History in an attempt to keep pace with him.
Different historians give different interpretations of the same event flow but it is a big attraction of history.
While studying at Columbia University, the author noticed that history abroad was included in the curriculum. The relativism of the American historian Charles Bihar then peaked. The author of Richard Hoffs Tadder set the subject of his research “Philosophy of American History between 1870 and 1910 AD”. The writer then immersed himself in deep study. He later returned to the country and wrote this book. Most of the articles in this book were published in history in the fifties and sixties.
The story The Great Commentator of the Russian Revolution was published in the “Sunday Anandabazar” magazine. Tahal Historian Ranke and Historian Acton have added two new essays to this book. Previous writings have revised and refined and expanded in the light of ultra-modern discourse. At the time of writing, one book after another was published on the history of famous historians. Mark Block’s “The Historian’s Craft” was translated in 1954. The first success and reaction of the English Revolution can be seen in the composition of Meckler.
“The English Revolution of the Seventeenth Century” –
The story provides an analysis of what kind of sentences were used by researchers and historians on the subject.
The article ‘Historical Interpretation of the French Revolution’ translated in this book shows how its interpretation has changed in different historical contexts. There has been a wide-ranging discussion on how to differentiate ideologies with different aspects of it, with different classes involved with it. The narrow history of the upper floors has become the extensive history of the people of the lower floors.
So this compilation will be appreciated by the readers, and for this purpose the PDF file of the said book has been given on this web page.
The PDF file of this famous book written by Amalesh Tripathi can be easily collected and read from this page.
PDF file of the book History and Historical.