Bipanna Bismay has written by Buddhadeb Basu.
Author of this book is Buddhadeb Basu.
Bengali ebook name is Bipanna Bismay,
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Book pages are 273,
The file size of book is 20 MB,
Book pages quality – best without watermark.
The Author Buddhadeb Basu is a most famous Bengali writer in Bengal, India. The Bipanna Bismay Bengali ebook was first published on 1959 from Kolkata. The original writing of this novel was first published in two volumes. The first volume ‘Bipanna Bismay‘ was published in ‘Ulto Rath’ on 1959 of Sharadiya Sankhya and the other part named as ‘Shreepoti O Aroti’ in Proshad on 1968 of Sharadiya Sankhya. Both volumes are very very romantic. Read this novel as pdf of Buddhadeb Basu. He wrote lot of stories, fictions, drama, paragraph and also many poetries. His some most favorite books are Dui Dheu Ek Nadi,Maya Malancha Bengali Drama Book, Ghumer Ager Galpo, Nirjan Swakhar, Droupadir Shari, Ayanar Madhye Eka, Buddhadeb Basur Shresta Kabita, Shonpanshu, Man Deya Neya,Prempatra O Anyanya Galpa,Golap Keno Kalo,Lal Megh,Sanga Nisangata-Rabindranath, Moner Moto Meye and He Bioyi Bir etc.
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Bipanna Bismay