Swami Vivekananda BharatChetana O Pashchatya by Sushil Kumar Rudra

Swami Vivekananda BharatChetana O Pashchatya.

Author- Sushil Kumar Rudra
Book Pages – 233
Book Size- 10 MB.

Swami Vivekananda BharatChetana O Pashchatya by Sushil Kumar Rudra

Swami Vivekananda BharatChetana O Pashchatya.

Swami Vivekananda BharatChetana O Pashchatya by Sushil Kumar Rudra. Swami Vivekananda suffused with the spirit of Indian life in the pursuit of his whole life. He was born on 12th January 1863 in Kolkata,West Bengal, India. His actual name is Narendra Nath Datta. Swami Vivekananda was inclined towards spirituality He was influenced by his guru Sree Sree Ramakrishna from whom he learnt that all living beings were an embodiment of the divine self therefore service to god could be rendered by service to mankind. The Hindu religious leader and reformer of India, Swami Vivekananda, who tried to unite Indian spirituality with the progress of Western things, kept these supplements and complementary to each other. His paramount is a person’s own superior self; Labor was the best effort to benefit humanity.
Swami Vivekananda suffused with the spirit of Indian life in the pursuit of his whole life. The person who forgot the memory of the lost person was brought to the memorial courtyard, he had a dream of life. That dream was successful. History is its burning evidence.

The ideal of the people of India, towards the Western and Hindu humankind, behind the past-past works of India, the ideals always lead to perfection – the ideology, the message of truth that was presented – was the origin of the manifestation of Swami Vivekananda’s entire world society and culture. Significance the geographical identity of the Indian who had emerged in the span of India, the continuous snow-clad Nagaraj in the north and the Indian territories covered by the purified waters in the east-west direction. Historical catastrophes, triggered geographical resources and practices from a distant past, which has given a tradition to the tradition of this country, has developed an eternal culture in this country – a deathless spirit, which we can call for Bharat Consciousness. And the real nature of this consciousness is the main issue of history in India.

Our India is not just a terrain only, an ancient homeland, or a rare region of rare culture (Leela khhetra). India is a Goddess (Dev-bhoomi) holy place and religious place. India is the center of the religion of the whole world, the religion that has given people the way to go, the real life philosophy has shown.

This is undeniable, India’s old civilization, which survives today, will survive – this civilization can not die. The history of Egypt, Babylon, Assyria or Maya is no longer alive, it is limited to the pages of history, but India is surprised by its vigor, its self-energies and its civilization in the power of its underlying consciousness. Noteworthy, the symbols of the Greek and Romok civilization are now increasing the color of the rhinoceros.

On the other hand, Indian civilization flows continuously from the moment of remembrance, – Nectar theory (Amritism) is in his heart. Civilization has never been prone to a period of time, sometimes slow or slow. This section stated in the famous Practices and Culture of India. The vibrating of this section is an eternal motivation, a true true ideology. The influence of this consciousness, which we call India as consciousness, has made India survive for a long time and has solved its life problems by attacking the neighboring civilization. Not only that, the main head of other domestic civilization.
He accepted the thoughts and accepted them. Blaze in the spirit of your consciousness, who has made the local civilization glorious. Another feature: India (BharatVarsha) has illuminated other cultural heritage in light of its own consciousness, and helped to develop it indelibly due to rich prosperity and welfare.
Dr. Suniti Kumar Chatterjee correctly commented on this: “Indian culture and philosophy did not go there to destroy it, there came many countries to bring fullness” Swami Vivekananda was died on 4th July 1902 from Belur in Kolkata.

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Swami Vivekananda by Sushil kr Rudra

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Swami Vivekananda BharatChetana O Pashchatya

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