Ekar Sansar by Shaktipada Rajguru PDF

Ekar Sansar by Shaktipada Rajguru PDF.

Book – Ekar Sansar,
Author – Shaktipada Rajguru,
Book Format – PDF,
PDF size – 6 MB,

The Bengali story book Ekar Sansar is written by Shaktipada Rajguru.

The book of Bengali story ‘Ekar Sansar’ is written by Shaktipada Rajguru. Life develops in the world. A life develops in the company of parents and siblings. Comes from adolescence to youth. Many happy dreamy youth. He had many hopes, dreams and strange tunes in his mind.

But in the face of difficult realities, many people lose that dream. The hard life of his struggle for survival changes the face of man. No one changes or loses the human qualities of the truck. Rather he became more defendant. Faced with difficult realities, he became overwhelmed, and an oath took him forward in the line of duty. He overcomes all the adversities of this difficult world, highlighting all of humanity. His abandonment of this struggle rebuilt the fragmented world. He does not expect anything in return for pleasing his loved ones. The world does not give him anything, it gives everything to that world.
Several other selfish people in this world give him extreme hurt deprivation. In order to make those selfish people happy for their own good, that protesting youth ends up killing himself.

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His ideal is not to stop at getting little. Love comes in his life. He can’t give the dignity of that love. His love for the world does not have any consequences. Helpless parents are forced to indulge in many injustices just to survive.
The protesting young man continues his life struggle by despising all the contempt, insult and hurt. He believes that light will come after all darkness. This is his only assurance. So fight in the world to win. His life struggle continues alone.

In this book, author Shaktipada Rajguru has written a beautiful life story based on the real events of human life, which is very real and compatible with many in the context of current social and family life.
This book, which is based on the true story of colorful human life, must be acceptable to the readers. So the reader can easily read this book Ekar Sangsar by collecting book from this page.

PDF file of the book Ekar Sansar

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