The Mythology Book Shakta Padabali by Dhruba Kumar Mukhopadhyay PDF.
The name of book – Shakta Padabali,
Author By Dhruba Kumar Mukhopadhyay,
The format of book – PDF,
Number of pages in the book – 351,
Category – Religious Book,
Author Dhruba Kumar Mukhopadhyay has written the Religious Book Shakta Padabali
The Shakta Padaboli is an Indian Religious Book written by Dhruba Kumar Mukhopadhyay. Although the Shakta texts centered on energy theory in the eighteenth century and later, a branch of energy theory has been flowing in the pursuit of Indian life, civilization and tradition since ancient times. There are two styles in Indian practice – one male dominated and the other female dominated. The civilization discovered at Mohenjo-daro and Harappa is one of the oldest civilizations in India, and many of the female idols found as evidence of this ancient civilization are mother goddesses. Many statues, such as earthenware in the Indus Valley and Baluchistan, are found in Persia, Syria, Palestine, Cyprus, Mesopotamia, Transcampia, Elam, the Balkan Peninsula, and Egypt. However, the worship of Matrikamurti in India is as ancient and ubiquitous as it has been in other parts of the world.
Vaishnava and Shakta verses stand with ample bouquets of lyric poetry in the field of Bengali literature extending from Charyapada to Bharat Chandra. In Vaishnava terms there is a rare bewilderment circulation in the dream table. In the rhythm of the pearl, chanting of the enchanting mantra of Raktakallol and Anirban Diparati of Dehmugdha Prem. The poetic glory of Shakti’s poetry is much less than that of Vaishnava poetry. Many did not notice. Shakta’s words are the product of the social mentality of the poet – such a comment is probably not unreasonable. Of course, the literary contribution of his past life is also acknowledged. Writer Dhrubakumar Mukherjee has become a novice in the analysis of Shaktapadavali’s social convergence and traditional traditions and Shakta verses. He did not discuss Shakta verses with any religious fascination or from the point of view of religious mind. He has just tried to integrate the conventional elements. Shakta has tried to understand the verses by combining various mythological, scriptural and religious elements, and has tried to unravel its inter-religion.
Some other Mythology Book can collect here below.
- Vaishnava Padabali
- Chandidaser Padabali
- Shakta Padabali (old) by Brajendrachandra Bhattacharya
- Bedavasya Kalikapuran Edited by Swami Jadisharananda
- Hindu Scripture Book Rigveda Samhita
In this book, the author has used the hard-earned research of his predecessors in the field of energy pursuit and hard literature. This book is not a study of Shaktitattva or Shakta literature but an attempt to answer the intricate questions of the curious reader. Despite the multi-stage divisions of Shakta verses, Balyalila, Agamani, Vijay and Bhakta Akut – the reason for taking these four parts, is that in all these four stages there is an indescribable joy of the innumerable flowering of lyric poetry. Another reason is probably the current inclusion in the curriculum of a few universities at the level of the honorary Bangla department of the other three sections except Balyalila. From the beginning to the end of the book, the author has received advice and inspiration from many professors. Dr. Asit Kumar Bandyopadhyay, Ramtanu Lahiri and Shankar Prasad Bose, former principals of Bangla Department of Calcutta University, have been instrumental in writing and publishing this book.
The special establishment and manifestation of the glory of Shakti Devi exists in Tantra Shastra. Tantra actually means Sadhana Shastra. The purpose of Tantra in describing the theory of energy and the method of worship. The main deity of Tantra is the mother power. Aryan and Aryan sects have merged in Tantra. In the Tantra shastra texts, there is a predominance of maternal power. Tantra Shakti can be called Kalpabhandar in Shakti worship. Tantra was later introduced in Buddhism and many Shaktidevi are mentioned in the Tantra Shastra texts written by the Buddhists.
Although the practice of Matri Puja and Shakti Sadhana has been practiced in Bangladesh for a long time, it gained a new form in the early seventeenth century AD and has profoundly influenced the socio-culture of Bengal. Although Durga Puja is older than Kali Puja in Bangladesh, the devotees have adopted Kali Devi for their sadhana. From the seventeenth century to the present day, Maa kali devi has been at the center of Shakti Sadhana. A review of the history of Kali Puja in Bangladesh shows that there is a provision of Kali Puja in the book Tantrasar. The author of that Tantrasara book was Krishnananda Agambagish. He was probably a sixteenth-century man. Apart from Kali Puja, this book has also compiled the sadhanavidhi of Tara, Sarshi, Bhubaneswari, Bhairabi, Chhinnamasta, Bagla etc. In order to get deeper into the Shakta terms, one needs to be acquainted with Tantric sadhana. In order to understand the meaning of Tantric practice, it is necessary to have a clear idea about the technical terms like Ashtapasha, Bhavatraya – Animal, Vir, Divya, Sapta Achar, Panchamkar, Kundalini Shakti, Kundalini Yoga and its Kriya, Shatachakra, Nari, Vayu, Sahasrara Padma.
Moreover, in this book the author has given a beautiful analysis about the introduction and influence of Tantra practice in Bangladesh.
The author has given enough ideas and information about Shakta terms in this book which will be of great help to the students and researchers in their research. Moreover, for those who want to know about Shaktapadabali, this book will be considered as another book.
So, for the benefit of students, teachers, researchers and readers, the PDF file of the mythology book is given on this web page. Everyone can collect the PDF file of the book from this web page and read it online.
PDF file of Shakta Padabali Religious Book.