Shakta Padabali by Brajendrachandra Bhattacharya PDF.
Book Name – Shakta Padabali,
Author – Brajendrachandra Bhattacharya,
Book Format – PDF,
PDF Size – 4 MB,
Book Pages – 178,
Shakta Padabali was written by Shri Brajendra Chandra Bhattacharya PDF.
The book Shakta Padabali was written by Shri Brajendra Chandra Bhattacharya. Undoubtedly, the place of Vaishnava terms in medieval religion-centric Bengali literature is the best. Shakta verses are the best unreadable after Vaishnava Padabalis as a single and isolated poem. Mahajan’s verses and prasadi music still occupy the hearts of Bengali’s equally. It is not necessary to explain to anyone how deep the appeal of Shakta music is to Bengalis. However, it is usually the melancholy melody of this music that satisfies the ears and minds of Bengalis. No one in particular thought about the melodies that this melody takes refuge in. However, it seems difficult to decipher all those metaphorical verses. Because it is not possible to enjoy Shakta music without a thorough knowledge of the power theory and instrumentalism that these music forms have.
The author Brajendra Chandra Bhattacharya has tried to analyze different parts of Shakta terms by giving a brief introduction of Shaktitattva and Sadhanatattva in this text. For this purpose he has taken a lot of help from the collection book ‘Shakta Padabali’ published by Calcutta University. Shaktapadabali subject special Bangla and specific books for the students of Bangla Honors. The author has planned this book keeping in view both the students and the inquisitive general readers. And he has enlisted the help of many in composing this book.
From its inception to the end of the eighteenth century, about 800 years of Bengali literature can be said to be fairly religious. Undoubtedly, the place of Vaishnava texts is the best in this religious literature. The superiority of Shakta verses is undeniable after Vaishnava verses as a single and isolated poem.
Some other Holy Scripture Books of Maharshi Vedvyas and others are here.
- Geeta in Bengali
- Harivamsha Purana
- Brihat Vishnu Purana
- Brahmavaivarta Purana
- Rigveda Sanhita
- Baru Chandidaser Srikrishnakirtan
- Srimat Bhagavad Gita
- Holy Quran in Bengali
- Sri Krishna Samhita
- Brihat Tantrasar
- Mangal Kavya
The origin of Shakta terms dates back to the second half of the eighteenth century. Shaktagiti Jayayatra begins with Ramprasadi music. Bangladesh, especially the country of Shakti Puja, still needs to think about why the origin of Shakti Geeti was delayed. However, in the eighteenth century, how selfless devotion has achieved pure results in Shakta songs. His acquaintance was not found in Bangladesh Shaktipuja and the Vaishnava texts of the literature created around him can be traced back to his prehistoric times. Although Kalikamangalakavas were worshiped in the age of Vaishnava poetry, the poems did not gain as much popularity as other mangalkavas.
First of all, their poetic value was not high.
Secondly, the mind of the Bengali’s were so soaked in the juice of Vaishnava poetry that it was not possible for any other poem to have a place next to Vaishnava poetry.
At the root of Vaishnava poetry was devotion. Devotion also exists at the root of Shakta verses. But the effect of the flood of thoughts on the minds of the Bengalis as a result of the meeting of Mahaprabhu Sri Chaitanya Deva was equally effective for about two hundred years.
The author Brajendra Chandra Bhattacharya has beautifully presented in his book the instrumental theory of Shakta verses and various aspects of poetic analysis, genre, origin and use. Therefore, there is no doubt that this book will be considered as an invaluable book by the readers and researchers. PDF file of Shakta Padabali is given. Readers can easily collect and read Shakta Phrases PDF file from this page.
PDF file of the book Shaktapadabali.