Azad Hind Fauj O Netaji Documentary Book by Shahnawaz Khan

Azad Hind Fauj O Netaji Documentary Book by Shahnawaz Khan PDF.

Name of Book – Azad Hind Fauj O Netaji,
Category – Documentary Book,

 Major General Shahnawaz Khan written the book Azad Hind Fauj and Netaji.

Under the leadership of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, the heroic son of Bengal, the unique worshiper of independence, thousands of miraculous devotees have forgotten the differences between provinces and aristocracy in India and have established 14 years of rigorous austerities and extraordinary ideals in India’s liberation struggle.

Netaji’s close companion, patriot, Major General Shahnawaz Khan of Panchanadi took a special part in the freedom struggle of Azad Hind Fauj as one of the main activists. In the hope that his description will fascinate and inspire our countrymen, the book ‘Azad Hind Fauj O Netaji’ was published for the people. The author says that we think that our labor will be successful if young and old read this book in every house of Bengal.

Regarding the book ‘Azad Hind Fauj O Netaji’, Jaharlal Nehru ji, the All India Strong Leader of the National Congress and former Prime Minister of India, said that the Azad Hind Fauj did not only make its history in Malay Burma, but also in the hearts of the people of India. The memory of Azad Hind Fauj will remain in the minds of the people forever. So far many books have been published on the subject, but all of them are momentary. In this book, my friend and colleague Major General Shahnawaz Khan has presented the achievements of the Azad Hind Fauj in a harmonious language and presented to the people a very valuable history of an important subject. I think this is the greatest book ever published about the Azad Hind Fauj. I urge every countryman to read this book. In this book you will learn a lot of new information about this adventurous adventure. Joy Hind. New Delhi 10 October 1946.

The glorious chapter in the history of India’s freedom struggle is a glorious chapter in the history of the independent army. The trial of Captain PK Cycle Saigal Lieutenant GS Dhillon and Shahnawaz Khan in the military court as officers of the Red Fort Independent Army in Delhi has attracted the attention of the public as no military or civilian trial in India has done before or since. After being released on trial, the author had the opportunity to travel to many places in India. He has visited different places and can get details about Netaji from different people, and the author has written this book on all those topics.

Some authors have published some books on the Azad Hind Fauj but not all of them have contained the last detailed discussion and accurate information about Netaji. Some foreign authors have published some books in English and other languages ​​but the details and subject matter of those books are incomplete and not misleading or accurate.

Moreover, one of the main purposes of writing this book is that many important issues about Azad Hind Fauj were not discussed during the trial in the military court. What was discussed is also brief. For three long years and eight months, Netaji was fascinated and inspired by the ideals and advice of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose and many other activists, including the writer, who was involved in life and death with the movement under his leadership. The subject of this book is their story.
The author was inspired to write this book by Mr. Kalyan Basu and other nephews and daughters of Netaji. So this book will be accepted as a unique book by the readers, needless to say.

That is why the PDF file of this book is given on this page. Readers can read and collect the book from this web page. The link to this book is given at the bottom of this page.

PDF file of the book Azad Hind Fauj O Netaji.

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