Jatiya Andolone Rabindranath (Rabindranath in National Movement) by Prafulla Kumar Sarkar
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The novel Jatiya Andolone Rabindranath (Rabindranath in National Movement) is written by Shri Prafulla Kumar Sarkar.
It is no exaggeration to say that Rabindranath Tagore was a man of great personality, his talent was versatile. In many ways his songs are incomparable in Bengali literature, established in world literature, on the other hand his influence on the national life of Bengal and India is incomparable. Sadly, Rabindranath’s modern literary disciples and fans do not discuss this ‘political’ aspect of Rabindranath’s life much. Reluctant to emphasize this. They are proud to call Rabindranath a cosmopolitan, a worshiper of the world, but many are ashamed to admit that he was a patriot and a nationalist.
But we think that the motto of Rabindranath’s life was the source of all his poems. This book specifically discusses that aspect of Rabindranath’s life, not just judging the value of his extraordinary poetic talent or his best incomparable literature.
The rise of the neo-Bengali nation in the nineteenth century is a memorable event in the history of the modern world. There is no doubt that an indomitable desire for independence and national unity was awakened in this age and that is what guided the nation towards its goal. Many thinkers and powerful men emerged in the nineteenth century and their long asceticism led to the national movement in Bengal and spread all over India. Those who underestimate or want to see this gift are not familiar with the history of the nation. They did not understand his deep meaning, as if the author had tried to tell him. This is why the national movement of Bengal, the Swadeshi movement, all these people called bourgeois movement or bourgeois movement etc. strange names. They see how great an ideology was the path of that national movement, they also try to see that ‘thought slavery’ is a disorder in the life of a subjugated nation.
Once upon a time, Western skepticism and positivism were found in our educated society. Again, Marxism overwhelmed the intellect of our modern educated society. To them, this is the last word of the kingdom of knowledge, – society, literature, religion, politics, politics, everything is examined by rubbing on a single stone. No matter how beautiful or noble a thing is, they do not accept its value if it does not stand up to this judgment. There is no doubt that Marxism is a very high theory, and no one denies the value of Karl Marx’s contribution to human knowledge. But many do not want to accept that this is the only measure of human civilization, that is, the expression of state and society, or the determination of its value. Yesterday Marx gave priority to the economic factor at the root of the progress of human civilization. In many places he even pointed to it as the only reason. But many modern scholars do not acknowledge this. They have also noticed the actions of other powerful forces at the root of human civilization or the expression of human society. Love, beauty, the irresistible instinct to explore the core of the invincible world mystery, the unquenchable longing for freedom এই all of these have worked at the root of the expression of human society, controlling the course of human civilization. Attempts to crush them for economic reasons alone are certainly not justified.
We also witness the actions of various forces at the root of the national uprising movement that took place in Bangladesh in the nineteenth century. In this movement all aspects of national life were responded to. There was a renaissance in literature, religion, society and politics. Then is an expression of national movement or national independence movement. That is what has been seen through the National Congress Swadeshi movement etc.
Those who see nothing but bourgeois or bourgeois attitudes in Rabindranath’s close association with the national movement are deserving of pity.
There is no doubt that cosmopolitanism and philanthropy are all very big norms. But those who do not have patriotism and kinship, how will they understand the value of cosmopolitanism or universalism? Those who are subjugated, those who do not have the unquenchable desire to liberate the country, have no right to express the grief of the proletarians of the whole world. Rabindranath helped the national movement through his literature and his impeccable creations are reflected in his writings which no one can deny.
In this book, special quotations and discussions have been made about the national movement of Bengal and Rabindranath. After reading each of them, the readers were requested to make hair-raising analysis and comments.
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