Bishwarupini Maa Sarada Story Book by Shukla Ghosh.
Author Shukla Ghosh,
Book name is Bishwarupini Maa Sarada,
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Shukla Ghosh has written the life story book Bishwarupini Maa Sarada.
Writer Smt. Shukla Ghosh has written the life story book Bishwarupini Ma Sarada. The world-famous Maa Sarada (Bishwarupini Maa Sarada) story book is based on the biography of Maa Sarada. Author Shukla Ghosh has beautifully portrayed her in this book. Readers will be able to know a lot about the life of Vishwarupini Maa Sardar by reading this book. The greatness and events of the life of the world-shaped mother Sarada, Lord Sri Sri Ramakrishnadev’s leela sangini, Mahasaktirupini, Bhagwati, Sri Sarada Debi have been recorded in this book in the form of remembrance. It is very difficult to compose a biography of Sri Sri Ma Sarada Devi, as her life, events and pastimes are deeply intertwined with the life of her adored life-god Lord Sri Ramakrishna, as well as the biographies of her beloved children and devotees. With the exception of Kiranmala, the whole form of Kiranmali, the Sun God, is never revealed. Just as it is difficult to know the full form of Sri Bhagavan Vigraha without Aishwarya, Guna, Mahima and Madhurya, so it is difficult to know the full form of Sri Ramakrishnadev’s children and devotees. That is why the divine relationship of her children and devotees has been associated with the sweetness of the worldly mother Sri Sarda Debi, to give as much form as possible to the sweetness of the life of the true glory of SriSri Maa Sarada. But the author also admits that a lamplight is never able to reveal and identify the bright sunlight. So he has tried his best to narrate the biography of SriSri Maa Sarada. The author further said that the book has been tried to present the correct information as a whole by avoiding misconceptions by analyzing and observing the hair at the time of publication, but the readers will be able to tell better whether the mistake was made unknowingly or not.
Based on the life story of SriSri Maa Sarada, the book was able to be published with the creative help of various well-known and unknown writers, gentlemen and devotees and the adventurous endless efforts and support of the author’s husband. Srimat Swami Pragyanananda Maharaj has helped a lot in composing this book. He has thoroughly revised the manuscript of this book and tried to give it a fuller form. Moreover, all the revered monks and celibate maharajas of Sri Sri Ramakrishna Vedanta Math in Calcutta and Sri Ramakrishna Math and Mission have contributed a lot in composing this book. Authorities of Sri Ramakrishna Vedanta Math in Calcutta published the book and cooperated in every possible way.
It is also worth mentioning that in this book, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Brahmananda, Swami Abhedananda, Swami Saradananda, Sri Ramakrishna Parshad and devotee poets Girish Chandra Ghosh, Durgacharan Nag, Bhagini Nivedita and other devotees of Sri Ramakrishna are dedicated to the memory of the world-famous Srisardadevi. Many historical events of everyone’s life could not be presented in this book. Because Sri Sri Saradevi has tried to highlight only the extent to which her memory is intimately involved with the unearthly life. This biographical story book was published through the book distribution department of Sri Ramakrishna Vedanta-Math and all the books were exhausted as soon as the first edition was published, so the next edition had to be done in a very short time.
We hope that the readers will appreciate this life story book and will be aware of the life of Sri Sri Maa sarada Devi by reading this book.For that purpose, we have given the PDF file of the book on behalf of this web page. Readers can easily collect the PDF file of the book for free and read it online.
PDF file of the book Bishwarupini Maa Sarada.