Bangla Desher Itihas Vol-2 by Ramesh Ch Majumdar PDF.
Name of Book – Bangla Desher Itihas (Middle Age) Vol-2,
Author – Professor Ramesh Chandra Majumdar,
Book Pages – 622,
Format – PDF,
PDF size – 21 MB,
Ramesh Chandra Majumdar wrote the Historical Book Bangla Desher Itihas Vol-2.
Ramesh Chandra Majumdar was a pioneering Bengali historian and professor of Indian history. He was a prominent nationalist historian of modern India. He was a former sheriff of Kolkata metropolis, the capital of West Bengal. He was born on December 4, 1888 in Gopalganj district of Bangladesh and died on February 11, 1980 in Kolkata, the capital of West Bengal, India.
Renowned historian Professor Ramesh Chandra Majumdar wrote the 2nd volume of Bangla Desher Itihas (Middle Age). It was first published on 1373 BS from Kolkata. The ‘History of Bengal’ Volume II English edition has edited by Doctor Jadunath Sarkar and published by the University of Dhaka on August, 1948.
This volume on behalf of the university of Dhaka and of the History of Bengal publication committee, it is the M. Hasan, Vice Chancellor, University of Dhaka, privilege to offer his most sincere thanks to Sir Jadunath Sarkar through whose untiring efforts this volume is seeing the light of the day.
But for the admirable promptness and skill with which he modified the old scheme to suit the altered conditions, the publication of this volume two would have been indefinitely delayed. This achievement of the sir Jagannath Sarkar is all the more creditable since he worked under conditions in which any one who did not possess his indomitable courage would have broken down. Sir Jodunath Sarkar suffered bereavement after bereavement while he was engaged in the preparation of this volume.
We know the volume 1 of the Bangla Desher Itihas The Middle period was published in May 1943. The second and third volume which I have to cover the early Muslim and the Mughal periods respectively our plant at the same time as the first in 1936 and should in normal circumstances have followed it in 2 to 4 years. But the time or not normal and a number of unforeseen difficulties have compelled the editor not only to delay their publication but also to alter their plan.
His first and most serious difficulty strong from the insufficiently known fact that while the Hindu period of Bengal history in almost every part of it has been worked over by a large number of modern scholars producing fruits of high standard,- the Muslim period except for a few reigns still remains unexplored ground, and they are still in compressed by almost the same mist of tradition and the deceptive light of Pious frauds, which baffled Captain Charles Stewart when he attempt the first history of Bengal in English 130 years ago. Even the chronology of many of the early Muslim rules of Bengal is still unsettled, as their coins are so few and so badly executed that they are dates cannot be read with certainly.
This one of modern research has been most acutely felt in respect of the social economic and cultural history of mediaeval Bengal, the only exception being the studies in Vaishnavism, which, however, relate to the Mughal period. The students of their provinces economic history have conservative concentrated they are attention on the British period and the late 17th century it is trade in Bengali while in respect of the rest of the countries history during the Muslim period, the service has been hardly scratched.
Historical Book Bangla Desher Itihas Vol-2 as PDF
Readers can collect some notable works of Ramesh Chandra Majumdar below.
- Bangla Desher Itihas (Prachin Jug) Vol-1
- Attharo Shataker Bangla O Bangali
- Murshidabader Itihas
- Jukta Banglar Shesh Adhyay
- Bharater Itihas
- Amar Naam Kalapahar
That a Bangla Desher Itihas under Muslim rule is bound to be a production of very uneven parts being up to modern standards of scholarship and reach in accurate details in certain topics or reigns only, and totally dark or covered with the haze of loose tradition in all others. It was originally intended to spread the political and cultural history evenly through these two volumes, 1 ending with the Mughal conquest 1575 and the other with the downfall of Muslim rule 1757.
But if this plan had been adhered to, the publication of each of these volumes would have been put off till a new generation of research students had arisen and lit up the dark places of our cultural and social history during the middle ages.
Therefore, the first chance change that was forced upon the editor was to put all the political narrative of the projected to volumes in one and print it fast, As the necessary contributors where available and they could be asked to supply their chapters in two years. The Social and cultural history of the entire Muslim age was assigned to be final volume, which they could not hope to complete Hindi near future.
The next hitch occurred after the chapters of this political history volume had been allotted to different scholars and they had been given two years time to submit their work. Some of them, after wavering, declined the task, many others were found to be habitually incapable of writing their promised chapters within the time limit, or indeed ever at all.
So at last the painful truth downed upon the mind of the editor that he must personally shoulder the burden of writing the major portion of even the political history of Bengal during 5 and half centuries, if this volume was to be completed in his lifetime. That, as will be remembered, was also the sad experience of Dr Ramesh Chandra Majumdar, the editor of the first volume.
As well be seen editor have had to write more than 200 pages in this volume of a little over 500 pages, besides revising and sometimes recasting the work of many of the other contributors.
After these preliminary troubles had been got over as best they could, they had hopes of the manuscripts for the different chapters being sent into the editor by the end of 1941. But just at the time came the war with Japan and the air raids of Bengal and Assam.
The libraries of the universities and learned societies were closed and their most valuable books and journals were sent into storage in safer places far inland. Thus their Bengali contributors could not consult learned works or verify references. This interruption lasted during the pendency of the war. But despite so many obstacles, their work did not stop. They have tried hard enough to publish the book.
The cost of book production is now 4 times what it was in 1938 when the publication of this history was planned and there is an acute shortage of skilled assistant. For this reason and also to avoid further delay in the publication of this volume no map picture or coin plate could be included in it.
Keen then that of his readers
The editors regret for this cruel necessity is no less as Keen then that of his readers, especially as all will miss the very necessary illustration of the changes in the river courses and land routes during the six countries cover by this volume. Readers can collect the historical book Bangla Desher Itihas Vol 2 as PDF file from this webpage and read it online.