The Time Machine H.G. Wells by Niranjan Singha

The Time Machine – H.G. Wells Tr by Niranjan Singha PDF.

Book – The Time Machine,
Genre – Science Fiction Novel,
Language – English (Pages-83) and Bengali (Pages-103),
Written by Author H.G. Wells, in English,
Translated into bengali by Niranjan Singha,

The Time Machine science fiction by H G Wells translated by Niranjan Singha

The time Machine science fiction written by H.G. Wells and Translated by Niranjan Singha.

‘The Time Machine’ is a work of science fiction. The Time Machine is a science fiction novel written by author H.G. Wells. This book has been translated into Bengali language by the writer Niranjan Singh. The book The Time Machine was published in 1895. This science fiction story was written as a frame narrative.

The core of the book is credited with popularizing the concept of time travel using a vehicle that allows an operator to purposefully and selectively travel forward or backward in time.

Who wrote the Science fiction novel The Time Machine?

Author HG Wells now faces a dire social order. Here a group of people lives in a dark hole and a group of illiterate lazy but beautiful people feed them like goats and sheep. The seeds of this dire fate of human civilization were probably sown in our time. Author H. G. Wells squeezes into a time machine and observes this unimaginable distant future. He is believed to have witnessed all the aspects of the last scene of the said Puthibi. This fantastic science fiction story was very well received by the readers.

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There is no doubt that The Time Machine Science fiction novel book will be considered by readers to be unique from a unique common man, so the PDF file of this The Time Machine book by Dale Carnegie is given on this web page. You can easily collect the Science fiction novel with English and Bengali version and read both version (English and Bengali) online.

The Time Machine – English and Bengali PDF file.

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